I want to know how you were able to write 100k in a month! Sorry if this is wrong to ask but was the rewrite completely different from the original? Did you have a very detailed outline? I don’t even know what to ask. I’m just in awe ummm

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Tbh I’ve written and rewritten this book so many times over the years I know it inside and out! It was like a 90% complete rewrite, the things I copy/pasted were extremely minimal and no page was left untouched or unaltered in some way.

I did also have a detailed plan based on a revised reverse outline from the previous draft and notes from my editor. I also wrote an absurd amount of words most days, ranging from 3-9k on the days I was able to write.

I definitely couldn’t have done this if this were a first draft! And I don’t recommend forcing yourself to write this much so quickly! I doubt I’ll ever do it again 😅

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So impressed with your approach to the comprehensive edit letter and revision process. Amazing that you rewrote the book in such a short period of time. Cleary you have a strong vision for your novel, and incredible diligence and perseverance. Very inspiring, Noelle!

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